
Poniżej przedstawiamy niepowtarzalny zbiór wierszy po angielsku. Czytaj i komentuj.

Anna M. Fitch: The Song of the Flume
W. H. Rhodes: The Golden Gate
Bayard Taylor: California
Bartholomew Dowling: Hurrah for the Next that Dies!
Grace Fallow Norton: Love Is a Terrible Thing
Alice Corbin: Love Me at Last
Helen Dudley: To One Unknown
Robert Graves: Cherry-Time
Robert Graves: Babylon
Robert Graves: It's a Queer Time
Oscar Wilde: Vita Nuova
Oscar Wilde: Chanson
Oscar Wilde: Amor Intellectualis
Oscar Wilde: Her Voice
John Osborn: A Whaling Song
Cotton Mather: On the Death of his Son
Jane Turell: To My Muse
Louis Untermeyer: On the Birth of a Child
Moira O'Neill: The Grand Match
Sylvia Lynd: Hunting Song
Anna Wickham: Reality
William Sidney Walker: Too solemn for day, too sweet for night
William Bingham Tappan: Hour of Peaceful Rest
Loureine Aber: Girl
Loureine Aber: If
Loureine Aber: The Fallen
Helen Selina, Lady Dufferin: Lament of the Irish Emigrant
George Darley: The Loveliness of Love
Alison Rutherford Cockburn: The Flowers of the Forest
Allan Cunningham: Hame, Hame, Hame
Sara Teasdale : Spring Night
William Thom : The Blind Boy's Pranks
William Bingham Tappan : Hour of Peaceful Rest
Sara Teasdale : I Shall Not Care
Carolyn Wells: The Spelling Lesson
Gelett Burgess: Psycholophon
Gelett Burgess: On Digital Extremities
H.D.: Oread
Robert Frost : The Lockless Door
Waverley Turner Carmichael: Keep Me, Jesus, Keep Me
Benjamin Brawley: Chaucer
W. E. Burghardt Du Bois: A Litany of Atlanta
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnets from the Portuguese XXIII
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnets from the Portuguese XXXIII
Helen Selina, Lady Dufferin: Lament of the Irish Emigrant
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: Sonnets from the Portuguese III
Charles Tennyson Turner: Letty's Globe
Barry Cornwall: Sit Down, Sad Soul
Walter Savage Landor : Margaret
Thomas Lovell Beddoes: Songs from Death's Jest-Book. I. To Sea, to Sea!
Richard Henry Horne: The Slave
Barry Cornwall: A Petition to Time
George Darley: Summer Winds
Walter Savage Landor: The Death of Artemidora
Coventry Patmore: The Toys
Sydney Dobell: A Chanted Calendar
William Brighty Rands: The Thought
Coventry Patmore: Departure
Dante Gabriel Rossetti: The Blessed Damozel
William Ernest Henley: Margarite Sorori
Sydney Dobell: Return!
Coventry Patmore: 'If I were dead'
Sydney Dobell: The Ballad of Keith of Ravelston
Coventry Patmore: The Married Lover
William Brighty Rands: The Flowers
William Ernest Henley: Invictus
Aphra Behn - The Libertine
Henry Charles Beeching - Going down Hill on a Bicycle. A Boy's Song
Anna Laetitia Barbauld - Life
Arthur Christopher Benson - The Phoenix
Alexander Brome - The Resolve
Aphra Behn - Song
Henry Charles Beeching - Prayers
John Barbour - Freedom
William Allingham - The Fairies
Joanna Baillie - The Outlaw's Song
Matthew Arnold - The Song of Callicles
Matthew Arnold - Shakespeare
Gertrude Stein - Food
John Kendrick Bangs - The Little Elf
Franklin P. Adams - The Rich Man
Alfred Domett - A Glee for Winter
Anonymous - The Old Cloak
Robert Burns- Epistle to Davie, A Brother Poet
Thomas Campion - Winter Nights
Alan Alexander Milne- (Christopher Robin is going)
Leslie Pinckney Hill- The Teacher
Katrina Trask - Love
Anne Glenny Wilson- Travel Song
William Shakespeare- Sonnet XXXIV
Robert Graves- Impromptu on Mrs. Riddells Birthday
Joanna Fuchs- Another Year
David Herbert Lawrence- Sorrow
Conrad Aiken- Asphalt
T.S. Eliot- Rhapsody on a Windy Night
Edgar Lee Masters- Ralph Rhodes
Carl Sandburg- Smoke and Steel: VIII. Circles of Doors. 10. An Electric Sign Goes Dark
John Gould Fletcher- Arizona Poems. Mexican Quarter
Edwin Arlington Robinson - Mr. Flood's Party
Robert Graves- The Poet in the Nursery


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